This will be achieved throughout our life cycle:

  • Continuous improvements in resource efficiency in products, services and production

  • Products and services are designed for circularity

  • Essity follow strict procedures to secure that all materials and chemicals in products and production are safe for consumers, customers, employees and environment. 

Way forward

Essity will develop and implement new products and services that meet future demands in a circular society.

We will deliver on Essity circularity targets where we aim to reduce, reuse or recycle. This means that we will convert current waste to new resources.

We will also establish partnerships for customer and consumer waste management.

We will create new business models and supporting technology, as well as educate customers and consumers to adapt or change behavior.

We are also focused on strengthening sustainability communication to customers and consumer as well as to support and promote sustainability criteria in public procurement practices.


  • 69% of Essity´s innovations yielded social and/or environmental improvements.

  • 63% of all material and energy was in 2019 recovered from waste from all production units.

Example of partnership:

Ellen MacArthur Foundation and CE 100

WSSCC (Water Supply and Sanitation Collaboration Supply)

Swedish Life Cycle Center

Essity's People & Nature innovation target:

We will deliver better, safe and environmentally sound solutions to our customers. We strive to continuously improve resource efficiency and environmental performance considering the whole life cycle for new innovations.

  • 1/3 of all innovations are People & Nature innovations.

  •  All waste from materials and energy should be recovered by 2030