Essity's Anti-Bribery and Corruption Program includes: 

Regular Risk Assessments 

  • What corruption risks does Essity face and in which areas

  • What will the consequences be if a risk materializes

  • Are there any deficiencies in how identified corruption risks are managed at present 

Policies and other steering documents 

We have both a Group Policy, Group instruction and Guidelines, in addition to our Code of Conduct, that communicate our zero tolerance towards corruption. 

Trainings and Communication 

We have anti-bribery and corruption e-learnings in place.  Additionally, we offer micro trainings and face to face trainings to leadership teams and Essity employees who have frequent interactions with external stakeholders.

Third party Due Diligence 

Essity has procedures for managing corruption risks when onboarding new third parties as well as continually monitoring third party engagements against corruption risks. 

Essity Whistleblowing system 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​An open culture, where employees feel comfortable communicating issues or concerns, is not only important for our anti-bribery and corruption program but also for our ethical work environment. We expect and encourage employees to provide information about potential breaches of our Code of Conduct and violations of laws and regulations. It is company policy to prohibit retaliation against anyone who makes a report in good faith. 

Monitoring and Testing 

We constantly work on improving our anti-bribery and corruption program. In this ongoing work, compliance controls are an important way of strengthening our activities, making sure they are efficient and address the types of risks we face as these evolve.